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Call for Papers

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Deadline for abstracts: June 27, 2022

We invite abstract submissions for papers. We welcome quantitative and qualitative work on variation at all levels of linguistic practice, and particularly submissions that align with the conference theme (found on the home page), as well as work on languages other than English. Abstracts will be submitted through a web form through Oxford Abstracts; they must be no longer than 500 words and not identify the author(s). Bibliography, glossed or transcribed examples (as images), and other images can be submitted separately. Individuals are limited to a maximum of two submissions, with only one being solo-authored.

What's New and Different at NWAV50

  • Papers — Papers will be presented live, with discussion. Talks will be recorded and available online after the conference, with speakers' permission. There will be two concurrent sessions. The default presentation length will be 10 minutes, with 5 minutes for discussion. A small number of papers will be selected for 20-minute presentations.
  • Project Launch — We are introducing a new genre of presentation at this NWAV—Project Launch—an opportunity for researchers at the beginning or early stages of a new project to present and discuss their plans, and get constructive feedback and advice from the NWAV community. We hope that researchers at all stages will consider presenting their projects, but we particularly encourage new and junior researchers to submit. We are committed to ensuring a constructive and friendly discussion. 

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts for Papers must clearly articulate the theoretical significance of the work, and show evidence of clear results. Preliminary reports on work in progress will not be considered.
  • Abstracts for Project Launch presentations must clearly articulate the research question, its theoretical significance, and the methods and their appropriateness, and preliminary results (if any).
  • There will be no posters or workshops.

Abstract submission is now open via Oxford Abstracts.


The NWAV50 organizing committee seeks self-nominations, particularly from people from backgrounds historically underrepresented at NWAV, to review abstracts for the conference. Reviewers must be at the dissertation writing stage or beyond, and must have given at least one conference talk or or published at least one article for which they were the first author. If you have not reviewed for NWAV in the past, and would like to volunteer, please fill out this self-nomination form by June 17, 2022. Please note that depending on the topics and number of submissions, not all reviewers on our list will be contacted.


Panel proposals for NWAV50 due June 1, 2022.

NWAV50 is accepting proposals for topical panels. Each panel will be 90 minutes long, divided into 6 15-minute slots. It is up to the panel organizer(s) to decide how to use each slot (e.g. some might want a discussant), but coordination with other sessions requires that the sequence within each panel be fixed. There will be no double panels. Please note that individuals are limited to a maximum of two submissions, with only one being solo-authored, whether as part of a panel or not.

The proposal should include a panel abstract (no longer than 1 page) that motivates the topic; a list of participants with affiliations and email addresses; a schedule indicating how the 6 slots will be used; and abstracts for all papers (no longer than 1 page of text each, with an optional second page for bibliography, glossed or transcribed examples, and images). Neither the panel abstract nor the individual panel papers need be anonymous.

Panel organizers should submit complete proposals (as single PDFs) to by midnight (Pacific time) June 1. Decisions will be based on reviews of both the panel as a whole and its component papers, which will also be reviewed independently. Notifications of decisions will be sent by June 13.